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Tag Archives: wellness

Benefits of Adding Acupuncture to Your Wellness Routine

This is the time of year when many are looking to start (or restart) their wellness routines. Self-care Saturdays may have fallen by the wayside during the holiday season

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Four Reasons Self-Care Should be a Priority in Your Life

Self-care has become a trendy buzzword in the post-Covid era but the benefits to practicing regular self-care are undeniable. But first, let’s talk about what self-care is and what

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Motherhood: Where All Love Begins

The month of May is full of beauty, with the blooming of flowers, the warmth of the Spring sun, and the opportunity to tell

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50 Ways to Leave Your Acupuncturist

I’m a lucky acupuncturist.

I work with wonderful people every day and I get to hear your stories, celebrate when you get well and watch your families grow up.


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How to End Seasonal Affective Disorder and Start Loving Winter

Many people feel down as winter approaches.  It’s dark.  It’s cold. The holidays can be stressful.

But for some people every winter is unbearable.  They’re tired and depressed.  They don’t

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